Top 10 Ways How to Skinny Women’s Gain Weight.

how to gain weight

This is a guest post submitted by Habiba Rahat. All views expressed in this article are of the contributor about how to gain weight.

Are you feel shy because of your skinny body, feel neglected and people calls you a bag of bones so here we are, who cares for you. We will give you the tips to gain weight!

We know that gaining weights is as difficult as losing weight. Skinny women’s face many health diseases such as weakened immune system, anemia, osteoporosis, malnutrition but gaining weight can decrease the risk of these health issues.

For some women’s it is very hard to gain weight and they do everything to increase the weight but when they find no changes in their body, they become disheartened and stop their efforts. But now they no need to be worried we are going to tell you about those smoothies and fruits through which skinny women can gain weight easily. Here are a few recipes you can add in your diet plan to gain weight.

1. Homemade Banana Protein Smoothies

Pour 2 Bananas,2 Teaspoons of sugar,1 Date in a blender. Blend until it becomes smooth Drink 1 glass of banana shake in breakfast and 1 glass in the evening. Banana consists of 105 calories; a medium-sized banana contains 442-milligram potassium which is used to control blood pressure.

Image: Every Day Easy Eats

2. Walnut Apple Smoothie

Add 3 walnuts, one Apple, 1 Banana slice to a glass of milk and blend it well. Drink one glass of Walnut apple smoothie in a day. Walnuts contain 185 calories. If you want to gain weight fast eat 28 grams of walnuts daily. Walnut helps prevent heart diseases and cancer. A single medium walnut with its skin has 95 calories. If a person eats 3 medium apples in a day, 3 medium apples contain 285 calories and they can gain weight easily.

3. Strawberry Peanut Butter Smoothie

Add ½ yogurt, 2 Tablespoons peanut butter, 4 to fresh Strawberries,12 ice cubes, 1Teaspoon Honey,1 cup of milk. Place peanut butter, strawberries, ice cubes, yogurt, milk, honey into blender and Blend until it becomes smooth. Strawberry consists of 91% water, 32% calories, protein 0.7 gram, and carbohydrates 7.7% while peanut butter is used for weight loss but if it uses it with strawberries, yogurt, honey, and milk, it helps in increasing weight. So in this way you can can also use peanut butter to gain weight.

Image: Natalies Health

4. Vanilla Blueberry Shake

Add 1 cup of fresh Blueberries,1 ½ scoop of vanilla, whey protein, 1 cup of vanilla Greek yogurt,1 spoon of honey and blend it. (whey protein is a mixture of protein separated from the whey. The watery part of milk that isolates from the curds during the process of making cheese). Vanilla has 288 calories, a single blueberry has 84 calories, frozen yogurt helps in gaining weight. This is surely one of the protein shakes to gain weight.

Tip : If yogurt is applied to the will moisturize the face, fight acne, relieve sunburn, diminish lines and wrinkles. Yogurt contains lactic acid and alpha hydroxyl acid that dissolves death cells.

5. Rice

Rice is a convenient and minimal expense carb source to help you put on weight. A cup of rice contains 200 calories. A 100-gram white cooked rice contains 28-gram carbohydrates which contribute to gain weight.

rice weight gain main

6. Red Meat

Red meat contains protein which helps to build bones and is high in iron and it is additionally supplies nutrient B12, which helps make DNA and keeps nerve red blood cells healthy and zinc, which keeps the resistant framework working includes Lean red meat and a stake in your meal, it helps you gain weight.

If you are a patient with high blood pressure, consult with a doctor before using red meat in your meal.

red meat weight gain

7. Dried Apricots

Apricots are nutritious and contain essential vitamins and minerals. One cup of fresh apricots contains 86% water and 74% contains vitamins that play a significant role in improving skin damages and help to reduce blood pressure.

apricots gain weight

8. Avocado

Avocado is a pear-shaped fruit. It is rich in vitamins and contains vitamin K, folate, iron, vitamin C, vitamin and Potassium. 1 whole avocado has 250 calories. It prevents constipation and cancer.

avocado gain weight

9. Protein Supplements

Intake protein supplement to gain weight according to the doctor’s recommendation. This may be an easy method to burn more calories and put on weight.

supplements gain weight

10. Dark chocolates

Dark chocolates are high in fats and calories. 1-ounce (28 grams) contains 155 calories and 9-gram fats. Add Dark chocolate eating habits to gain weight.

weight gain choco

Pro Tips

Take proper 8 hours’ sleep, Stress can be your biggest enemy, Don’t take the stress. Take a deep breath and enjoy the weight-gaining process. No one is forcing you and no one is judging you. It’s your weight and it’s up to you to gain weight or Not.                          

 “Live your life as your wish”

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